Food Allergies in Babies: What Every Parent Needs to Know

Food allergies in babies can be a source of concern and anxiety for parents. As infants transition to solid foods, the risk of allergic reactions becomes a significant consideration. Understanding the basics of food allergies, recognizing potential allergens, and knowing how to manage allergic reactions are crucial for ensuring the health and safety of your baby. In this guide, we’ll explore everything parents need to know about food allergies in babies.

What are Food Allergies in Babies?

Food allergies occur when the body’s immune system reacts abnormally to certain proteins found in food. In infants, food allergies can manifest as a range of symptoms, from mild itching and hives to severe reactions such as anaphylaxis. Common food allergens in babies include cow’s milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish, and shellfish.

Recognizing Signs of Food Allergies

Recognizing the signs of food allergies is crucial for ensuring prompt intervention and management. Here are some common symptoms to be aware of:

  1. Skin Reactions:
    • Hives (red, itchy welts on the skin)
    • Eczema flare-ups (itchy, red, inflamed patches of skin)
    • Swelling, particularly around the face, lips, eyes, or tongue
  2. Gastrointestinal Symptoms:
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Abdominal pain or cramping
    • Nausea
  3. Respiratory Symptoms:
    • Wheezing or difficulty breathing
    • Coughing
    • Runny or stuffy nose
    • Sneezing
  4. Facial Swelling:
    • Swelling of the face, particularly around the eyes, lips, or tongue
    • Swollen throat, leading to difficulty swallowing or breathing
  5. Cardiovascular Symptoms:
    • Rapid heartbeat
    • Weak pulse
    • Low blood pressure
    • Loss of consciousness (in severe cases)
  6. Behavioral Changes:
    • Irritability
    • Fussiness
    • Excessive crying
    • Lethargy or weakness

It’s important to note that allergic reactions can vary in severity, from mild to life-threatening. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention and may involve a combination of symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, rapid pulse, and loss of consciousness. If you suspect your child is experiencing anaphylaxis, administer epinephrine (if available) and seek emergency medical care immediately.

If you notice any of these signs or symptoms after your child consumes a particular food, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis. Keep a detailed record of your child’s symptoms, including the specific foods consumed, the timing of the reaction, and the severity of the symptoms, to aid in diagnosis and management. With vigilance and proactive care, you can help ensure the health and safety of your child in the presence of food allergies.

Diagnosing Food Allergies in Babies

Diagnosing food allergies in babies involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Here are the steps typically involved in diagnosing food allergies in infants:

  1. Medical History:
    • The healthcare provider will begin by gathering a detailed medical history, including information about the baby’s symptoms, diet, feeding patterns, and any previous allergic reactions.
    • Parents or caregivers will be asked to provide information about the timing and severity of symptoms, as well as any suspected food triggers.
  2. Physical Examination:
    • A thorough physical examination will be conducted to assess the baby’s overall health and look for signs of allergic reactions, such as skin rashes, eczema, or respiratory symptoms.
  3. Elimination Diet:
    • In some cases, the healthcare provider may recommend an elimination diet to identify potential food allergens. This involves removing suspected allergenic foods from the baby’s diet for a period of time and then reintroducing them one at a time while monitoring for allergic reactions.
    • Elimination diets should only be conducted under the guidance of a healthcare professional to ensure proper nutrition and prevent unintended consequences.
  4. Allergy Testing:
    • Allergy testing may be recommended to confirm suspected food allergies and identify specific allergens. The two main types of allergy testing used in infants include:
      • Skin Prick Test: A small amount of allergen extract is placed on the skin, usually on the forearm or back, and the skin is pricked with a needle to allow the allergen to enter the skin. A positive reaction, indicated by redness, swelling, or itching at the site, suggests the presence of an allergy.
      • Blood Test (Specific IgE Testing): A blood sample is taken and tested for the presence of specific IgE antibodies to common food allergens. Elevated levels of IgE antibodies to certain foods indicate sensitization and potential allergy to those foods.
    • Allergy testing is typically performed after the baby has been exposed to the suspected allergen, as testing may yield false-negative results if the baby has not yet developed an allergic response.
  5. Oral Food Challenge:
    • In some cases, an oral food challenge may be conducted under the supervision of a healthcare provider to confirm or rule out a suspected food allergy. During an oral food challenge, the baby is given increasing doses of the suspected allergen while being closely monitored for signs of an allergic reaction.
    • Oral food challenges should only be performed in a controlled medical setting with appropriate emergency equipment and trained healthcare personnel.
  6. Keeping a Food Diary:
    • Parents or caregivers may be asked to keep a detailed food diary to track the baby’s diet, symptoms, and any suspected food triggers. This information can help identify patterns and potential allergens.
  7. Consultation with a Pediatric Allergist:
    • In cases of complex or severe food allergies, consultation with a pediatric allergist may be recommended. A pediatric allergist can provide specialized expertise in diagnosing and managing food allergies in infants and children.

By conducting a thorough evaluation, including medical history, physical examination, and appropriate diagnostic tests, healthcare providers can accurately diagnose food allergies in babies and develop a tailored management plan to ensure the baby’s safety and well-being. It’s essential for parents or caregivers to work closely with healthcare professionals and follow their guidance throughout the diagnostic process.


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Management Strategies for Children with Food Allergies

Managing food allergies in children requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses prevention, education, communication, and preparedness. Here are some effective management strategies for children with food allergies:

  1. Allergen Avoidance:
    • Identify and eliminate allergenic foods from your child’s diet completely.
    • Read food labels carefully, and be vigilant about cross-contamination in food preparation.
    • Educate family members, caregivers, and teachers about your child’s specific food allergies and dietary restrictions.
  2. Education and Awareness:
    • Teach your child about their food allergies in an age-appropriate manner.
    • Help them understand which foods to avoid, how to recognize allergens, and how to read food labels.
    • Educate family members, caregivers, teachers, and peers about food allergies and how to respond in case of an allergic reaction.
  3. Emergency Action Plan:
    • Develop an emergency action plan in consultation with your child’s healthcare provider.
    • Ensure your child has access to emergency medications, such as epinephrine auto-injectors (e.g., EpiPen), and teach them how to use them.
    • Provide written instructions detailing emergency procedures and contact information for healthcare providers.
  4. Safe Environments:
    • Work with your child’s school, daycare, and other caregivers to create a safe environment for children with food allergies.
    • Provide allergen-free snacks and meals when necessary, and ensure proper food handling practices are followed.
    • Develop a communication plan to notify staff and parents of any changes or updates related to your child’s food allergies.
  5. Food Allergy Management Plan:
    • Develop a personalized food allergy management plan outlining your child’s specific allergens, emergency procedures, and dietary restrictions.
    • Share the plan with family members, caregivers, teachers, and healthcare providers to ensure everyone is informed and prepared to respond appropriately.
  6. Teach Self-Advocacy:
    • Empower your child to advocate for themselves by teaching them how to communicate their food allergies to others.
    • Encourage them to ask questions about ingredients, check food labels, and politely decline foods they are allergic to.
    • Help them understand that it’s okay to speak up and assert their needs in social settings.
  7. Regular Follow-Up:
    • Schedule regular follow-up appointments with your child’s healthcare provider to monitor their food allergies and overall health.
    • Discuss any changes or concerns related to your child’s food allergies and adjust their management plan as needed.
  8. Support Networks:
    • Connect with other parents of children with food allergies for support and advice.
    • Join online support groups, attend local events, and share experiences with others facing similar challenges.
    • Stay informed about new developments in food allergy research, treatments, and resources.

By implementing these management strategies and maintaining open communication with healthcare providers, caregivers, and educators, parents can effectively manage food allergies in children and ensure their safety and well-being in various environments

Nurturing Confidence and Safety in Children with Food Allergies


Nurturing confidence and safety in children with food allergies is essential for their well-being and quality of life. Here are some tips for parents and caregivers to support children with food allergies:

  1. Education and Awareness: Educate your child about their food allergies in an age-appropriate manner. Teach them to recognize allergens, understand the importance of reading food labels, and communicate their allergies to others.
  2. Open Communication: Encourage open communication between your child, their caregivers, teachers, and peers about their food allergies. Teach your child to advocate for themselves by politely declining foods they are allergic to and asking questions about ingredients.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Praise your child for their efforts in managing their food allergies, such as checking labels, asking questions, and communicating their needs. Reinforce their confidence in making safe food choices and empower them to take ownership of their health.
  4. Safe Environments: Work with your child’s school, daycare, and other caregivers to create a safe environment for children with food allergies. Provide allergen-free snacks and meals when necessary, educate staff about allergy management, and develop emergency action plans.
  5. Teach Emergency Response: Teach your child how to recognize the signs of an allergic reaction and how to respond in an emergency. Practice using epinephrine auto-injectors (e.g., EpiPen) with your child and ensure they know how and when to use them.
  6. Normalize Allergies: Help your child feel confident and accepted by normalizing their food allergies. Encourage them to participate in social activities, such as birthday parties and playdates, while providing safe alternatives to allergenic foods.
  7. Lead by Example: Set a positive example by demonstrating safe food practices and advocating for your child’s needs. Show empathy and understanding towards other children with food allergies and promote inclusivity in social settings.
  8. Support Networks: Connect with other parents of children with food allergies for support and advice. Join online support groups, attend local events, and share experiences with others facing similar challenges.
  9. Stay Informed: Stay informed about new developments in food allergy research, treatments, and resources. Keep in touch with healthcare professionals and attend educational workshops to stay updated on best practices for managing food allergies.
  10. Encourage Independence: Gradually empower your child to take on more responsibility for managing their food allergies as they grow older. Teach them how to advocate for themselves, make safe food choices, and navigate social situations with confidence.

By nurturing confidence and safety in children with food allergies, parents and caregivers can help them lead happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives while effectively managing their dietary restrictions. Encouraging open communication, providing education and support, and fostering a positive attitude towards food allergies are key elements in building resilience and self-assurance in children with food allergies.


Food allergies in babies can be challenging to navigate, but with knowledge, vigilance, and proactive management, parents can help ensure the health and safety of their child. By understanding the signs of food allergies, seeking timely diagnosis and treatment, and implementing appropriate dietary modifications, parents can empower themselves to care for their baby’s unique needs effectively. Remember, you are not alone—reach out to healthcare professionals, support groups, and other parents for guidance and support on your journey through managing food allergies in babies.



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Use our AI tool to check the severity of Eczema and keep track of your Eczema progress.

AI-Powered Solutions for Eczema on Face: Advanced Treatment Strategies

Eczema on face poses unique challenges, requiring tailored treatment approaches for effective management. In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionized dermatological care, offering innovative solutions for addressing facial eczema. This article explores the role of AI-powered solutions in the treatment of eczema on the face, highlighting advanced strategies and their benefits.

Understanding Eczema on Face

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and inflamed patches. When it affects the face, it can be particularly distressing due to its prominent visibility and potential impact on self-esteem. Factors such as environmental triggers, genetic predisposition, and compromised skin barrier function contribute to the development of facial eczema.

What is eczema on your face?

Eczema on face, also known as facial eczema or facial atopic dermatitis, is a common inflammatory skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and inflamed patches on the face. It typically presents as dry, scaly, or crusty lesions that may appear anywhere on the face, including the cheeks, forehead, eyelids, and around the mouth.

Facial eczema can vary in severity, ranging from mild irritation to more severe flare-ups that cause significant discomfort and affect quality of life. Common symptoms of eczema on the face include itching, redness, swelling, and dryness. In some cases, the affected skin may become cracked, blistered, or oozing, especially if scratched or irritated further.

Factors such as genetics, environmental triggers, immune system dysfunction, and impaired skin barrier function contribute to the development and exacerbation of facial eczema. Triggers for flare-ups may include exposure to allergens, irritants, harsh weather conditions, stress, and certain skincare products.

Managing eczema on the face involves a combination of skincare practices, lifestyle modifications, and medical treatments. Gentle skincare routines, moisturizing the skin regularly, avoiding triggers, and using topical corticosteroids or other prescribed medications can help alleviate symptoms and prevent flare-ups.

What are the types of facial eczema?

Facial eczema encompasses several types of eczema that specifically affect the face. These types may include:

  1. Atopic dermatitis: This is the most common type of eczema and often affects the face, particularly in infants and young children. It is characterized by dry, itchy, inflamed patches of skin that can appear anywhere on the face.
  2. Contact dermatitis: This type of eczema occurs when the skin comes into contact with an irritant or allergen, leading to redness, swelling, and itching. Facial contact dermatitis can be caused by cosmetics, skincare products, fragrances, metals (such as nickel), or certain fabrics.
  3. Seborrheic dermatitis: This is a chronic skin condition characterized by red, greasy, and scaly patches, particularly in areas with a high concentration of sebaceous glands, such as the face (especially around the eyebrows, nose, and scalp). It is often associated with the overgrowth of a yeast called Malassezia.
  4. Nummular eczema: Also known as discoid eczema, nummular eczema presents as coin-shaped patches of red, inflamed skin that may be itchy or tender. These patches can occur anywhere on the body, including the face.
  5. Dyshidrotic eczema: This type of eczema primarily affects the hands and feet but can also occur on the face. It is characterized by small, itchy blisters that may be filled with fluid and can lead to redness, scaling, and cracking of the skin.
  6. Stasis dermatitis: Stasis dermatitis typically occurs on the lower legs due to poor circulation, but it can also affect the face in some cases. It is characterized by redness, swelling, and scaling of the skin, often accompanied by itching and pain.

It’s important to note that some individuals may experience a combination of these types or have overlapping symptoms. Additionally, accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment by a healthcare professional are essential for managing facial eczema effectively.

Challenges in Treatment

Treating eczema on the face presents unique challenges compared to other body areas. The delicate skin of the face requires gentle yet effective interventions to alleviate symptoms without causing further irritation. Conventional treatments, such as topical corticosteroids and emollients, may be less effective or poorly tolerated on facial skin, necessitating alternative approaches.

The Role of AI in Facial Eczema Management

AI has emerged as a valuable tool in dermatology, offering innovative solutions for personalized and precise treatment. AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data, including patient history, symptomatology, and response to previous treatments, to generate tailored recommendations for managing facial eczema. By leveraging machine learning and predictive analytics, AI can identify patterns, predict treatment outcomes, and optimize therapeutic regimens for individual patients.

Advanced Treatment Strategies For Eczema on Face:

  1. Personalized Treatment Plans: AI algorithms assess individual patient characteristics and disease severity to create personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs. This approach ensures that treatment recommendations address specific symptoms and factors contributing to facial eczema.
  2. Predictive Modeling: AI utilizes predictive modeling to anticipate disease progression and treatment response, enabling dermatologists to proactively adjust treatment strategies to optimize outcomes. By identifying early signs of flare-ups or treatment resistance, AI helps prevent exacerbations and minimize disease burden.
  3. Image Recognition Technology: AI-powered image recognition technology enables accurate and efficient diagnosis of facial eczema lesions. Dermatologists can capture high-resolution images of affected areas using smartphones or specialized devices, which are then analyzed by AI algorithms to assess disease severity and monitor treatment progress over time.
  4. Virtual Consultations: AI facilitates virtual consultations, allowing patients to connect with dermatologists remotely for evaluation and treatment recommendations. Through telemedicine platforms, patients can receive timely and accessible care, reducing the need for in-person visits and overcoming geographical barriers to dermatological expertise.

Benefits of AI-Powered Solutions:

  • Enhanced Treatment Precision: AI algorithms analyze multifactorial data to generate tailored treatment recommendations, optimizing therapeutic outcomes and minimizing adverse effects.
  • Patient-Centered Care: Personalized treatment plans prioritize patient preferences and lifestyle factors, fostering greater engagement and adherence to treatment regimens.
  • Timely Intervention: AI-enabled predictive modeling alerts dermatologists to early signs of disease exacerbation, enabling proactive intervention to prevent flare-ups and complications.
  • Accessibility and Convenience: Virtual consultations facilitated by AI technologies offer convenient access to dermatological care, particularly for patients residing in remote or underserved areas.

Key Features of Eczemaless AI App for Eczema on Face:

  1. Personalized Treatment Plans: Eczemaless AI App creates customized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs and preferences. By analyzing comprehensive patient data, including medical history and symptomatology, the app generates precise recommendations for managing facial eczema effectively.
  2. Symptom Tracking and Monitoring: The app allows users to track their eczema symptoms and monitor disease progression over time. By recording changes in symptom severity and treatment response, patients can gain valuable insights into their condition and collaborate with dermatologists to adjust treatment strategies as needed.
  3. AI-Powered Image Recognition: Eczemaless employs AI-powered image recognition technology to accurately assess eczema lesions on the face. Dermatologists can capture high-resolution images of affected areas using the app, which are then analyzed to determine disease severity and guide treatment decisions.
  4. Virtual Consultations: Eczemaless facilitates virtual consultations with board-certified dermatologists, providing convenient access to expert care from the comfort of home. Through secure video conferencing, patients can receive timely evaluations, personalized treatment recommendations, and ongoing support for managing facial eczema.


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Use our AI tool to check the severity of Eczema and keep track of your Eczema progress.


Benefits of Eczemaless AI App:

  • Precision and Personalization: Eczemaless delivers precise and personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs and preferences.
  • Accessibility and Convenience: The app offers convenient access to dermatological care through virtual consultations and symptom tracking features.
  • Improved Treatment Outcomes: By optimizing therapeutic regimens based on AI-driven insights, Eczemaless enhances treatment outcomes and improves patient satisfaction.
  • Empowerment and Engagement: Patients are empowered to take an active role in managing their eczema through symptom tracking, monitoring, and collaboration with dermatologists.

Eczemaless AI App represents a groundbreaking advancement in the management of facial eczema, offering personalized, accessible, and effective care for individuals with this condition. By harnessing the power of AI, Eczemaless transforms dermatological care, empowering patients to achieve optimal skin health and well-being.


AI-powered solutions have transformed the landscape of facial eczema management, offering advanced treatment strategies that prioritize precision, personalization, and accessibility. By harnessing the power of AI algorithms, dermatologists can optimize therapeutic outcomes, improve patient satisfaction, and revolutionize the delivery of care for individuals with eczema on face.


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Steroid cream for Eczema

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Topical steroids are medicated creams that can be applied on skin to treat eczema. It is a very effective treatment in addition to emollients (moisturizers). A short course of prescription steroid cream for eczema is enough to clear up an eczema flare. If you use it for short periods, side effects are uncommon. Steroids reduce skin inflammation which occurs in eczema.

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin leading to red, itchy rash.

What are topical steroids?

Steroids also known as corticosteroids belong to a group of medications known as glucocorticoids. Topical steroid is an anti-inflammatory preparation. Apart from being anti-inflammatory, it also acts by being immunosuppressive, anti-proliferative and vasoconstrictive. Steroid containing topical products include creams, ointments and lotions. Creams work best in treating moist or weeping areas of eczematous skin. They are usually white. Ointments are best to treat dry and thickened areas of skin. They are usually clear. Lotions are used to treat hairy regions such as scalp. They are thin creams.

Steroids work by reducing the inflammation of your skin. They are used for many skin conditions and eczema is one of them. Prescription steroid cream for eczema is effective in treating eczema.

There are several types of topical steroids and they are categorized according to their strength. Greater the potency or strength, more effective it will be in reducing inflammation but on the other hand side effects will be more with continued use.

  1. Mild – Ex: 1% Hydrocortisone
  2. Moderately potent – Ex: Prednicarbate
  3. Potent (strong) – Ex: Betamethasone valerate, Mometasone furoate
  4. Very potent – Ex: Clobetasol propionate

How topical steroids are prescribed?

When there is one or more patches of an eczema flare-up, a course of topical steroid is used. Once the flare-up is cleared, the topical steroid treatment can be stopped. The aim is to use the lowest strength of topical steroid to minimize the side effects, but strong enough to clear your flare up.

Ex: 1% Hydrocortisone is used to treat eczema in children

Usually topical steroids must not be used for prolonged periods on large areas of the body. This rule is important especially for children. For severe inflammatory eczema, a very potent topical steroid will be used such as Clobetasol propionate. A small amount should be applied on affected areas while gently massaging into skin.

Sometimes your doctor or the dermatologist will use 2 or more preparations of different strengths at the same time.


  • Mild topical steroid for eczema lesions on the face
  • Moderately potent steroid for lesions on arms and legs where your skin is thicker
  • A very potent steroid is needed for eczema on your palms and soles as the skin is thick in these areas.

Usually a short course of topical steroids for 7 -14 days is enough to clear a flare-up although sometimes longer courses are required. Some dermatologists will try a short course of a strong topical steroid usually for 3 days to treat a mild to moderate flare. This method is quick and quite safe. How often a steroid course is necessary will depend on how often you get a flare and it greatly varies from person to person. Once the steroid topical course is over, emollients must be continued daily to prevent further flares of eczema. Therefore, prescription steroid cream for eczema for a short period usually gives relief.

For people with frequent flares of eczema, a steroid can be applied on the usual sites where you get a flare up for 2 days every week. This is known as weekend therapy. It helps to prevent a flare up from occurring.

How to apply topical steroids?

Topical steroids can be applied once or twice a day according to your doctor’s advice. A fingertip unit is the correct dose and it is a small amount that has to be gently rubbed on the areas of inflamed skin until it disappears. Although moisturizers are applied liberally, topical steroids must be applied carefully.

First apply your emollient and wait for 10-15 minutes, before applying the prescription steroid cream for eczema. Wash your hands after application.

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What is a fingertip unit (FTU)?

A fingertip unit is the amount of steroid that is squeezed out from a tube (standard size with a 5mm nozzle) along an adult’s fingertip. 1 FTU is enough to treat an area, twice the size of an adult palm with fingers together.

Pros and cons of topical steroids

Topical steroids are especially useful in treatment of any inflammatory skin condition. It is very effective to treat a flare-up of eczema. However there are certain side effects which you have to know.

What are the side effects of topical steroids?

A short course (less than 4 weeks) of topical steroids is generally safe and side effects are rare. Problems arise when you continue to use topical steroids for prolonged periods or if strong steroids are used frequently. Side effects are common if strong topical steroids are used long term. The side effects can be local or systemic.

Local side effects (affecting the area treated and a bit of surrounding skin)

  • Burning or stinging sensation – This is common when you apply a topical steroid for the first time. Once your skin gets used to the treatment, this feeling will subside.
  • Skin atrophy (Thinning of skin) – although uncommon with normal regular use, it occurs especially if a potent steroid is used under occlusion (air tight dressing).
  • Worsening or triggering other skin conditions like acne, Rosacea and perioral dermatitis.
  • Develop striae (permanent stretch marks), telangiectasia (thin spidery blood vessels), easy bruising and discoloration. These are common with long term use of topical steroids.
  • Changing of skin color – This is noticeable more in people with dark complexion.
  • Growth of hair will increase in the treated area of skin
  • Allergic reactions – This may occur usually to the preservatives used in the steroid product. It can irritate your skin and worsen inflammation.

Systemic effects (affecting your whole body)

This is rare with topical steroids but can occur when strong steroids are used for long periods. The steroid can get absorbed in to your blood stream.

  • Affecting the growth of children – If children need repeated doses of strong topical steroids, their growth must be monitored.
  • Increase of blood pressure
  • Increase of blood cholesterol levels
  • Fluid retention (Collection of fluid in legs)
  • Baldness (thinning of hair in scalp)
  • Features of Cushing syndrome – weight gain, skin thinning, mood changes, buffalo hump in the neck, purple color striae, moon face etc.

Although there is a common fear of treatment, the risk of side effects is lower than most of us think, as long as it is applied as prescribed and not used longer than necessary.

What is topical steroid withdrawal?

This can occur when treated with a moderate strength or potent steroid which is stopped suddenly. The symptoms of topical steroid withdrawal include red skin, stinging, burning pain, itching, excessive sweating and peeling of skin. The severity of symptoms may vary from mild short lived to severe long term. The symptoms will gradually settle, sometimes leaving your skin dry and itchy for prolonged periods.

What should you be careful about when using steroids?

  • Do not undertreat because you are too cautious – always apply as prescribed to clear your flare up.
  • Avoid using too much – you might want to continue topical steroids daily, even after your eczema has cleared, in order to prevent a future flare. You should not use steroids for long periods without close supervision by a doctor. However, you can apply moisturizers liberally every day which will help you to prevent a flare up of eczema.

In order to prevent side effects, the strength or potency of the topical steroid needs to be adjusted to the sensitivity and thickness of the skin area which needs to be treated.

Steroids become more potent in your face, eye lids, genitals, inner sides of joints and arm pits because the skin is thin and sensitive. Therefore, steroids of low or medium potency is enough to treat eczema in these regions. Higher potency steroids are needed for scalp, palms and soles as the skin here is thick and the medication should reach deeper layers of skin.

The effect will be stronger when topical steroids are applied to wet skin. It acts better when applied after taking a bath when your skin is damp rather than applying steroids to dry skin. If you cover the area with a wet wrap or a bandage, it will help to absorb the medication more. It is important to keep this fact in mind when applying steroids to diaper (nappy) covered skin regions in babies.

Topical steroids can be combined with other active ingredients such as antibiotics, antifungal agent or calcipotriol. Topical Antibiotic/ steroid preparations should be used rarely, short term only. This is to reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance.

Prescribing topical steroids in pregnancy – Mild and moderate potency steroids can be safely used in pregnancy. But if using strong steroids in to large areas or under occlusion, caution should be used because it can get absorbed.

There can be potent steroids illegally present in some cosmetic products sold over the counter or via internet. These can give rise to side effects unknowingly. Always read the label before you try out any new products on your own.



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Use our AI tool to check the severity of Eczema and keep track of your Eczema progress.


Which soap is the best for Eczema?


Atopic dermatitis commonly known as eczema is a chronic skin condition caused by a defect in your skin barrier along with inflammation of your skin. Because of the defective skin barrier, your skin is more sensitive to various allergens and irritants like pollen, chemicals and pet dander. 1 in 10 people will experience eczema at some point in their life. Therefore it is a problem faced by most of you. If you are having eczema, you should think twice before using any product on your skin. Surely, experience has taught you that the wrong soap, body wash, hand wash or a facial cleanser can intensify your eczema. As your skin has a defective barrier, it has to face many hardships to protect itself from the environment. On top of it, using a wrong product can further inflame and dry your skin.

Signs and symptoms varies by individual, so is your skin sensitivity. It is important for you to be aware of how your skin reacts to these allergens and irritants in order to control current outbreaks of eczema as well as future flares.

What should you look for when choosing an eczema soap?

You have to first look for the eczema soap’s active ingredient because it is the element that makes the biggest healing difference on your skin. These active ingredients may be medical elements or natural soothing elements like Aloe Vera or green tea. Don’t go for the name brand only which is a big mistake that most of us do. It is vital that one should go with the best soap for Eczema in terms of ingredients used weather it is hand soap or body soap.

Take a close look at the ingredients in the product.

Eczema skin is more sensitive and irritable than normal skin. Therefore, it is crucial for you to be aware of the things that can set off an outbreak in your eczematous skin. Some possible irritants of skin include; dyes, fragrances, parabens, solvents and preservatives. Choose a product free of such irritants. For those of you with eczema, it is of utmost importance to choose a cleanser that is best for you. Choose a gentle one free from common irritants, allergens and fragrances. Don’t pick harsh soaps or ones with allergens as they can worsen your eczema or lead to an allergic reaction on top of your eczema.

Here are some soaps and body washes which are found to be effective on eczematous skin. These are some of the best soaps for Eczema.

Cetaphil Deep cleansing Bar

cetaphil deep cleansing bar

“It will cleanse and moisturize your skin simultaneously”

Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Bar is the way to go because it is safe for daily cleansing as well as it is budget friendly. This gentle, soothing non irritating formula leaves your skin moisturized after each use. This is a mild, non-alkaline soap bar that is specifically designed for dry and sensitive skin. It is an excellent choice for full body cleansing as it cleans and moisturizes your skin simultaneously. This soap has a neutral PH formula which is great for sensitive skin. It doesn’t contain any harsh ingredients. Therefore, it allows your skin to heal without stripping off the natural oils in your skin while protecting the skin barrier. Cetaphil Deep cleansing bar is safe for both adults and children.

This is available at Amazon for 8 USD.


Basis sensitive skin soap

Basis sensitive skin soap

“This will let you take care of your basic skin sensitivities without spending much money” – It is the best soap for your budget.

Basis sensitive skin soap for Eczema is full of natural, soothing ingredients like Aloe Vera and chamomile tea. It contains minimal dyes, fragrances and other harsh chemicals and will take care of your skin sensitivities. This soap leaves your skin feeling calm, replenished and clean and is dermatologist recommended. Usually specialized soaps are expensive. This soap will suit your budget and is a great addition to your daily routine.

You can buy it from Amazon for 19 USD and Walgreens for 3 USD.


Dove Pure and sensitive Beauty bar

Dove Pure and sensitive Beauty bar

It will allow you to cleanse your skin gently. It provides you with a rich creamy lather. It is a nourishing body cleanser which puts essential nutrients back in to your skin. It is suitable for mild eczema and sensitive skin as it gently removes the dirt and make up without drying out your skin. This is rated as one of the best soaps for Eczema as well.

Dove also has a series of soothing body washes suitable for eczema.


Some of you may prefer to use a body wash instead of using a soap bar.

Free and clear liquid cleanser

Free and clear liquid cleanser

“Simple with no irritating additives”

This is a simple hand soap without any irritating additives that can lead to flares of eczema. It contains effective cleansing ingredients while being gentle on your skin. This liquid cleanser is oil free, paraben free, sulfate free, Gluten free and free from fragrances. This formula leaves your hands soft while cleansing and calming your skin. It is dermatologist recommended.


CeraVe Soothing Body wash

CeraVe Soothing Body wash

“CeraVe Soothing body wash is designed by dermatologists to restore your skin to its natural healthy state”

This unique formula is designed by dermatologists and it is recommended by the National Eczema Foundation. CeraVe body wash is fragrance free with no parabens or sulfates and it is safe for both adults and children. It is rich in omega oils, three essential ceramides and hyaluronic acid. It cleanses and calms your skin while restoring it to its natural, healthy state. You will feel safe using this on your skin while avoiding irritants and allergens. This comes under top category of best body wash for eczema.

You can buy this product from CVS or from Amazon for 18 USD


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CLn Body wash

CLn Body wash

CLn Body wash is designed to reduce redness, dryness and flakiness in your skin”

This is a cleanser which is safe for daily use, is designed to reduce dryness, redness and flakiness of your skin. It is preserved with sodium hypochlorite for a strong yet calming sensation for eczematous skin. CLn body wash has no parabens, fragrances or steroids which makes it safe for use in both adults and children.

This product is available at Amazon for 20 USD.


Olay Ultra moisture Shea butter body wash

Olay Ultra moisture Shea butter body wash

It has a unique lock in moisture technology which ensures keeping your skin moisturized after you shower. It is formulated with Olay’s Vitamin B3 complex. Olay Ultra moisture body wash will hydrate and plump the surface skin cells while locking in natural moisture. It will leave your skin soft and smooth.


SkinFix Eczema soothing wash

SkinFix Eczema soothing wash

It contains soothing oatmeal, Aloe Vera and Vitamin E. This product is recommended by the dermatologists and known to be eczema soothing body wash. It is free of parabens, fragrance, soy, nut ingredients, sulfates and phthalates.


What soap should you choose to cleanse your face?

Some of you with eczema, may experience dry skin on your face too. Although you can use the same eczema soap and body wash to cleanse your face, it is best to go for a milder version because the skin on your face is more sensitive.

Neutrogena Ultra gentle Hydrating Cleanser

Neutrogena Ultra gentle Hydrating Cleanser

“Neutrogena Ultra gentle Hydrating Cleanser does not contain any fragrances, allergens or parabens”

If you are looking for the best face soap for eczema for your face and post makeup cleansing this product is strong enough to remove your makeup residue yet soft enough for your sensitive skin. This is a mild creamy cleanser which helps to remove make up, dirt and other blemishes from your face. Neutrogena Ultra gentle hydrating cleanser is rich with a skin nourishing poly-glycerin formula which soothes your eczema. There are no added harsh chemicals and irritants which can damage your sensitive skin. It is paranben free, fragrance free and allergen free. Therefore, it can be used on the most sensitive skin. It is recommended by the National Eczema Association.

You can buy this product from Amazon for 9 USD and Ulta for 11 USD.


Are there special products for babies with Eczema?

Eczema is commonly seen in babies and we all know that their skin is so sensitive. Therefore, a baby with eczema needs a very mild cleanser for soothing effect.

CeraVe Baby

CeraVe Baby

“CeraVe Baby has clean and calm ingredients that are safe enough to use on your baby”

This product will leave your baby’s skin feeling soft and well moisturized. It is rich with vitamins and 3 essential ceramides for restoring the protective barrier making your baby’s skin healthy. CeraVe’s Baby wash and Shampoo is safe enough to use in babies and is a tear- free formula. It has no parabens, fragrances or sulfates and is recommended by the National Eczema Foundation to be used in babies. This is recommended as the best soap for eczema baby.

This product is available in Walgreens for 10 USD and in Amazon.


Are there any special products for Vegans?

If you are a vegan you may want a soap which suits your life style.

Splendor Pure Coconut oil soap

Splendor Pure Coconut oil soap

“It is a creamy soap that moisturizes and calms dry skin and is best for vegans”

Splendor pure coconut oil soap is rich in coconut oil, aloe Vera, colloidal oats, organic calendula and organic chamomile. Coconut oil is proven as an anti-inflammatory agent and is recommended for both consumption and topical use. It is excellent for dry eczematous skin. Because this product contains all natural ingredients, it is free from chemical irritants and allergens.

You can buy this from Amazon for 14 dollars.


Shea Moisture African Black soap

Shea Moisture African Black soap

“Shea Moisture African Black soap simultaneously moisturizes, soothes your skin while being anti-bacterial and therapeutic”

This product can be used for both eczema and psoriasis therapy. This natural therapy soap is rich with Shea butter, lemon balm, Aloe Vera and Gotukola. It lets in moisture and heals inflammation and dryness caused by eczema. This formula is designed to keep harmful bacteria out of your skin’s protective barrier therefore it is anti-bacterial and therapeutic. The soap is ideal to soothe and moisturize your skin in a natural way.

This product is available on Amazon for 15 USD and Walgreens for 5 USD.

Your skin needs moisture to stay healthy, smooth and supple, but as we age retaining moisture becomes difficult. Moisture is lost from our skin readily during winter because of central heating.

Daily routines like bathing and towel drying can remove moisture from your skin. Modifying your bathing routine will preserve your skin’s moisture to a certain extent.

  • Use luke warm water to your bath or shower. Hot water can dry out your skin. Limit your time of bathing to 15 minutes or less because too much bathing can strip your skin’s oily lipid layer.
  • Avoid rubbing with wash cloth when cleansing your body.
  • Use one of the soaps or body washes that are suitable for eczema to cleanse your skin.
  • When toweling dry, just blot or pat dry without rubbing your skin.
  • Apply a suitable moisturizer to your skin while the skin is still damp.

Even after you find the best soap for your eczema, still you may have to face many challenges;

  • Product may change – the manufacturer may periodically change their products. Once the ingredients change, it may not be the same for you.
  • Your skin may change – The condition of your skin can change with time and with each time you get a flare. Therefore, the effectiveness of your soap may also change.
  • What is best for someone else may not work for you.

You can discuss with your doctor or a dermatologist to find the most suitable eczema soap for you.


The soaps and other products you use play a major role in managing your eczema as well as avoiding future flares. The soap you use must keep your skin clean and healthy while protecting the skin barrier. It should be minimally irritating while helping to soothe symptoms of eczema.






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Use our AI tool to check the severity of Eczema and keep track of your Eczema progress.




Got itchy skin? It might be Eczema


Does your itch skin and become inflamed from time to time? Does it itch so bad that you feel like scratching it until your skin is damaged? This might be eczema.
Eczema is also called atopic dermatitis, which is commonly seen in children, but it can occur in adults too. Eczema can be controlled well if you seek medical attention. Unfortunately it is not curable, as it recurs from time to time even after complete remission.

What is Eczema?

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Eczema derives from the Greek word “boil”. It accounts for a large proportion of skin disease in the developed as well as the developing world. It is estimated that Eczema affects about 16.5 million adults and more than 9.6 million children in USA. Up to 40% of the population may suffer from eczema during their life time and at any given time, about 10% of the population may have some form of eczema. It can have a vast impact on the quality of life of an individual who suffers from eczema, if it is not properly controlled.
Eczema is a chronic skin condition which may have several flares and remissions. In most eczema patients there are periods when the skin condition is worse, which is called a flare or exacerbation. It is followed by periods of skin improvements or entire clear up which is known as remission.
Eczema usually begins between of 2 -3 months of age. It commonly starts during childhood and continues in to adulthood. Some individuals may go in to total remission during their teenage years. Although eczema usually starts in childhood, adults may get it for the first time which is known as adult onset eczema.
The good news is that Eczema is not contagious and you cannot spread it to someone by touch. It is not associated with poor hygiene.

What are the common signs and symptoms of Eczema?

There are some symptoms which are common to all types of eczema.
• Dry scaly skin
• Redness and inflammation
• Itching – This can be intense. Usually it is more severe at night
Eczema is also referred to as ‘The itch that rashes’, because you may start your rash initially with itching. Your rash may develop or worsen with itching.

The other symptoms are;
• Chronic and persistent or repeatedly occurring symptoms
• The location of the rash is characteristic which is typical of eczema – commonly hands, wrists, inside elbows and knees, feet, ankles, upper chest and eye lids
• Dry and sensitive skin
• Associated oozing and crusting especially in wet eczema
• Swelling of lesions due to edema and inflammation
• Habitual scratching making the skin lesions thick and leathery
• Dark and discolored patches on skin

Why does your Eczema itch?

Itching is a symptom that almost all patients with eczema experience. It is usually ongoing day and night. Itching is the worst symptom according to most individuals. It can be so intense and may never go away.
Eczema flares can be frequently triggered by the ‘Itch –scratch cycle’. As itching leads to scratching, it can result in release of inflammatory mediators that develop the eczema and make your skin further dry. Eczema flares and dry skin may lead to more itching and the cycle continues.

Itching may occur due to many reasons, such as;
• Defective skin barrier in eczema
• External triggers
• Human nature – how you feel the itch and how well you can control the urge to scratch
• Sweating and perspiration induce itching and aggravate your eczema
Itching is a complex symptom in eczema and it is related to both physical and psychological causes. Many patients with eczema claim that it is impossible to resist the urge to scratch, when told to do so.

Does Eczema run in families?

Eczema can run in families. It is an atopic condition which may associate with other atopic conditions like Hay fever (Allergic rhinitis), allergic conjunctivitis or bronchial asthma. Genetic inheritance of allergic conditions is known as atopy. Atopy is linked with increased immune response to common allergens like inhaled allergens or certain foods.
Usually you may find a family history of one or more of these conditions suffered by a family member or a close relative.

What are the causes of Eczema?

The exact cause of eczema is unknown. Following factors may play a role;
• Your genes
• Immune system dysfunction
• If you have dry skin
• Factors that make your skin dry and sensitive to infection and irritants
Eczema occurs when the natural barrier of your skin is weakened. When this happens your skin is unable to protect you against various allergens and irritants. Eczema may be caused by a combination of factors.
There are certain factors which can trigger your eczema, such as;
• Irritants -wool, soap, detergents
• Allergens –Inhaled allergens like pollen, dust mites and ingested allergens like certain foods
• Heat and sweating
• Emotional stress

Can you manage your eczema?

You can try these remedies at home to control eczema and to prevent getting flares.
• Avoid scratching – Scratching worsens your eczema. Cover the itchy areas if you find it difficult to avoid scratching. Covering your rash with a bandage will not only prevent scratching, but will protect your skin too.
Trim the nails of children with eczema, to reduce the skin damage by scratching. Get them to wear gloves or anti-scratch mittens to prevent unintentional scratching especially at night.

• Use a mild, fragrance free soap when washing your skin. Pat dry with a soft towel. Do not wipe hard or rub your skin. Avoid strong soaps and detergents as they can worsen your eczema.

• Warm baths – Sprinkle your bath water with colloidal oat meal or baking soda. Soak your body for 15 minutes and pat dry.

• Moisturize your skin well and keep it hydrated – Use a good emollient regularly to moisturize your skin. Choose one which is alcohol and paraben free with minimal fragrance. Look for ingredients such as aqueous cream, Dimethicone, glycerol, Argon oil, Shea butter, cocoa butter and Lanolin oil when selecting a moisturizer. Choose an emollient that is suitable for your skin type.

• Apply your moisturizer after a bath when the skin is still damp. Damp skin absorbs and locks in the moisture well.

• Identify and avoid the triggers that is known to worsen your eczema.
Ex: Certain food items, Pollen, dust, excessive sweating and heat, strong soaps and detergents.
Identify them early and avoid. Avoid wool and tight, scratchy or rough clothing. Wear cooling clothes with smooth texture to minimize your skin irritation. When you are going out in hot weather or during your work outs, wear appropriate clothing to prevent excessive sweating.

• Manage your stress – practice relaxation techniques, yoga and meditation. Try to get quality sleep. Poor sleep can worsen your stress and make you less functional during day time

• Eat a balanced, healthy diet and void food triggers.

Are there any over the counter (OTC) products which you can use for Eczema?

OTC creams such as Hydrocortisone can be applied topically, which is a mild steroid.
Antihistamines like Cetirizine (Zyrtec),Loratadine (Alavert, Claritin),Fexofenadine (Allegra),Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or Chlorpheniramine which are available over the counter can be used to reduce your itching. Make sure that the dose and the frequency of administration is correct when using any OTC medication.
Above home remedies and self- care measures can control your rash, relieve your itching and prevent new out breaks of eczema to a certain extent.

When should you seek help?

If your itching or rash doesn’t go away on its own or with home remedies you use or if it interferes with your day to day life or disturbs your sleep, it is time to see your doctor or a dermatologist. Look for any signs of infection such as red streaks or pus or even fever associated with your eczema.
Until you meet a dermatologist maintain a diary, so that it may be helpful to your doctor to identify what triggers your eczema. You can include;

1. Your diet – anything different you consumed
2. The skin products, make up and soaps you use
3. If you come in to contact with chemicals, detergents and other irritants
4. Activities you do – walk or jog outside where there is pollen or dust, swimming in chlorinated pools
5. Your bathing or showering patterns
6. Whether you are under stress

This diary will also help you to notice any connections between your eczema flare up and your activities, so that you can avoid such activities.
How will your doctor treat your eczema?
After taking the history and examination of your skin, your doctor will diagnose eczema clinically. Lab tests are usually not needed for diagnosis. Sometimes your doctor may perform a patch test to exclude skin conditions such as contact dermatitis.
Your doctor may have to try numerous treatments for months or even years until your eczema gets controlled. However, even after successful control you may get a sudden flare. Your doctor will advise you on how to identify and avoid triggers of eczema in order to prevent a flare.
You already know that regular moisturizing control your eczema. However, moisturizing per se is not adequate for effective control.

Your doctor will suggest some of the following treatments to control your eczema:

Best suitable emollient to moisturize your skin – If your skin is very dry, your doctor will prescribe an ointment. Ointments are very effective in keeping moisture of your skin. As ointments contain the most oil, they are greasy. A cream or a lotion will be adequate for less dry skin. Moisturizing should be done twice a day. A cream is more suitable to apply during day time. Since ointments are greasier you may apply them at night. Creams can sting more than ointments.
These prescribed creams or ointments not only treat your eczema, but also control your itching. They will improve your rash by repairing the damaged skin.

Some of the prescribed creams and ointments are;

Corticosteroid creams or ointments – After moisturizing your skin, apply a thin layer on the eczematous lesions. Your doctor will direct you regarding the frequency of application. It may be once or twice a day. Corticosteroids control inflammation therefore, redness of your skin and swelling will reduce.

     Hydrocortisone – for lesions in your face, neck and other sensitive regions
     Betamethasone – more potent steroid
     Mometasone – effective corticosteroid with less side effects
     Clobetasol – used for eczema on hands and feet, thick lesions

Moisturize first before applying the medicated creams, as it will help better penetration of your skin. Once the initial lesions are controlled, you can use topical corticosteroids less frequently, to prevent a flare. Do not overuse corticosteroids as they can lead tothinning of your skin.

Calcineurin inhibitors

    Tacrolimus (protopic),
    Pimecrolimus (Elidel)

Calcineurin inhibitors act by affecting your immune response. They are useful to treat eczema in sensitive areas and for lesions which do not respond to other treatments. After moisturizing your skin, apply as directed by your doctor. Avoid strong sun light when using calcineurin inhibitors. It is safe to use them in anyone above the age of 2 years.

For severe eczema your doctor may prescribe oral medications to fight inflammation and to control your symptoms.

• Oral corticosteroids – If your eczema is severe, your doctor will prescribe oral corticosteroids.
Ex: a course of oral prednisolone
Although they are effective, they cannot be used for long periods because of the potential side effects like osteoporosis and high blood pressure that can be serious.

• Medications to fight infection – If your eczema is associated with a bacterial infection an antibiotic cream will be added. If your infection is severe with pus discharge and fever, a short course of oral antibiotics will be prescribed.

• Antihistamines – Ex: Cetirizine (Zyrtec), Fexofenadine (Allegra), diphenhydramine
Antihistaminesare prescribed to control itching. Anti-itch medications may cause drowsiness. Therefore, use them before you go to bed.

• Dupilumab (Dupixent) – This is a new option for treating severe Eczema.
Dupilumabis an injectable biologic (monoclonal antibody) that is recently approved by the FDA. It is used in people with severe eczema who do not respond well to other medications. Dupilumab is an expensive drug. It is safe when used as directed. More studies are needed to identify the benefits of this medication.

Following therapies can be combined with the medications;

• Wet wraps – The affected region is wrapped with emollients, corticosteroids and wet bandages. This is shown to be effective in those with severe eczema. Since wet wrapping can be too intensive to do at home for patients with wide spread eczema, they are done at hospital setting. This requires good nursing care and expertise. However, if you are competent enough, you may do wet wrapping at home once you learn the proper technique.

• Light therapy – Phototherapy with artificial Ultra violet Alight (UVA) or narrow band ultra violet B light (NB- UVB) can be used alone or in combination with other treatments. You may try exposing your skin to natural sun light as light therapy but in controlled amounts.
Light therapy is beneficial in patients who do not respond to topical treatments or for those who get frequent flares.

• Dietary modifications – Certain dietary changes will be suggested by your doctor if your history suggests food triggers. Foods like cow’s milk, eggs, soy can trigger symptoms or lead to flares. If your doctor suspects a food allergy, you may be referred to a dietician to modify your diet.

• Behavior modification and other relaxation techniques –to keep your stress under control and to help those with habitual scratching.

• Counselling – Talk to your therapist or a counsellor for emotional support if you suffer from persistent eczema.

Eczema may be stressful especially for adolescents and young adults. It can disturb your sleep and disrupt your day to day routines. Long standing eczema may even lead to depression in some patients. Family members of patients with eczema can also face various emotional, social and financial difficulties. Never fight eczema alone. You can seek emotional support from support groups, counsellors, family and friends.

Take home message….
Eczema can be persistent. You may need various medications along with self- care measures for a long time to get it under control. Even after successful treatment, eczema can recur.



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Use our AI tool to check the severity of Eczema and keep track of your Eczema progress.


All you want to know about Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Eczema

Have you tried most of the moisturizers and topical creams for treating your eczema? And still, the symptoms are not in control? Then this blog is something you want to look forward to.

Now, we have a better understanding of what causes this chronic skin condition in the first place. That makes Eczema a complicated condition to treat and manage.

While eczema can be persistent, causing extreme discomfort, it doesn’t have to prevent eczema sufferers from living a happy life. It is always possible to improve the eczema symptoms by trying treatment methods and adapting your diet can play a critical role in doing so.

Our diet is an important medium to support and strengthen our skin. While eczema is a chronic skin condition that doesn’t have any quick fixes, our eating habits can have a positive impact on it.

Finding Food triggers

Identifying food triggers requires dedication and a lot of patience, but it’s worth it, to get that rash that itches under control. While Identifying the right diet is very crucial in eczema it is equally important to track the food that causes triggers. One of the verified ways of doing so is to try the elimination diet method. Wherein you need to maintain a diary and note down the foods you’ve eaten and how your body feels and look for patterns. Start by eliminating just one food for 3 weeks that you suspect. Similarly, Introduce one by done and note the changes.


 You can also log your food and track the food trigger just by clicking an image of the food using this eczema app.




The relation between Diet and Eczema

Eczema flares can be triggered by various factors in the environment. Frequent triggers include allergens, chemical irritants, high stress, sweating, obesity, dry skin, extreme temperatures, and dry climates (especially in the winter). Though with little evidence, food is one of them, many people start to feel their eczema symptoms worsens after consuming certain types of food. And Some people have even reported a reduction in their eczema symptoms by including certain foods into their diet.

The way that diet has its impact on eczema can be looked at in this perspective, eczema in a simple word is termed as skin inflammation or inflammatory skin disease. Hence, an Anti-inflammatory diet comes into consideration. Another factor which is something related to inflammatory response and closely associated with the itch, any guesses?? Histamine it is! Yes, the amount of histamine released and its tolerance in the body is something that is closely related to eczema symptoms. One of the best ways to know that your eczema symptoms are related to histamine is your Doctor will ask you to take an anti-histamine tablet when your condition is worse. If your condition improves that’s proof of a link. In such cases, a low histamine diet will really be helpful in controlling eczema exacerbation.

Hence, it is incredibly important to understand the difference between inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods. Learning to eat more anti-inflammatory foods and eliminating inflammatory foods is key to managing eczema flare-ups when it comes to diet for eczema.


What is an Anti-Inflammatory diet?

The anti-inflammatory diet is an eating plan adapted to prevent or curb chronic inflammation in the body. Chronic Inflammation is a troublemaker, not only in eczema but a gamut of other health problems as well.

This Diet is completely based on whole plant foods. It includes vegetables, fresh fruits, legumes, intact whole grains, nuts, seeds, and non – processed foods. And the processed foods are thrown out of the picture or highly restricted.

The anti-inflammatory diet is all about filling your plate with foods that have been shown to fight inflammation and equally focusing on cutting out foods that have been shown to stimulate it.

Read more about foods to avoid in eczema as we have detailed with a list of top 10 common foods that exacerbate the eczema symptoms.

How an Anti-Inflammatory diet works

Inflammation is nothing but our body’s immune response to toxins and other foreign particles. As a natural part of metabolism, a lot of free radicals are released. In general, the inflammation subsides on its own. But in chronic cases, this inflammation remains for a longer period of time causing not only pain but also triggering chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, worsening eczema symptoms, etc

The antioxidants in anti-inflammatory diet work by reducing levels of free radicals which can lead to inflammation when they’re not held in check.

Similarly, if you are preparing to fight against histamine you want to consume more quercetin-rich foods. This compound is known to help stabilize mast cells to lower histamine levels and inflammation in addition to supporting gut health.

Anti-Inflammatory food that helps eczema

1) Vegetables

Anti-iflammatory vegetables


Vegetables are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Also, vitamin K in green leafy vegetables helps in reducing inflammation. It is advised to go for a rainbow that is to include vegetables of different colors at least 7 to 8 variety. You can eat them both raw and cooked, and choose organic whenever possible.


  • Dark leafy greens (spinach, collard greens, kale, Swiss chard)
  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower)
  • Carrots
  • Beets
  • Onions
  • Peas
  • Squashes
  • Raw and washed green salads

2) Fruits

Anti Inflammatory fruits


Like vegetables fruits are also rich in carotenoids and flavonoids, moreover, the pigment that gives colors to the fruits helps in fighting inflammation. Again, try to include different colors of fruits to the diet and go for fresh seasonal fruits which are low in their glycemic load have as a whole fruit or chopped into pieces


  • Berries (Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries)
  • Peaches
  • Nectarines
  • Oranges
  • Pink grapefruit
  • Red grapes
  • Plums
  • Pomegranates
  • Cherries
  • Apples
  • Pears

3) Whole Grains

Whole grains Anti inflammatory food-min-compressed


Whole grains are high in fiber which also helps in reducing inflammation. Moreover, they digest slowly, reducing the frequency of spikes in blood sugar that promote inflammation. Remember the grains that are intact or in a few large pieces fall under the whole grain category and not whole-wheat bread or other products made from flour.


  • Oatmeal
  • Brown rice
  • Wild rice,
  • Buckwheat groats,
  • Barley,
  • Quinoa,
  • Steel-cut oats

4) Beans / Legumes

Beans and Legumes Anti Inflammatory food for eczema


Beans are glycemic food power-packed with folic acid, magnesium, potassium, and soluble fiber. They are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. A whole cooked can be added to your meal or the pureed form like hummus will elevate the taste of the dish.


  • Chickpeas
  • Black-eyed peas
  • Anasazi,
  • Adzuki
  • Lentils

5) Herbs / Spices

Spices and herbs Anti Inflammatory food for eczema


Herbs and spices are known for their anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and are used to heal inflammation for ages. Generally, herbs and spices are used to season foods and add taste to it. Turmeric and ginger are powerful natural anti-inflammatory agents. Compounds such as curcumin found in turmeric is a strong antioxidant and powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Adding it to your daily meal will be beneficial


  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Garlic (dried and fresh)
  • Chili peppers
  • Basil
  • Cinnamon
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme

6) Vitamins

Vitamins essential to cure Eczema-min-compressed


You should maintain a proper balance of vitamins in their diet. Below Vitamins and minerals are particularly relevant for eczema:


  • Vitamin C – found in brightly colored fruit, veg, and rosehip.
  • Vitamin E – found in sunflower seeds, almonds, pine nuts, avocado, and dried apricots.
  • Vitamin D – is absorbed from sunlight when it is sunny out there. You can also supplement vitamin D throughout the winter months.
  • Vitamin K2 – Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Zinc – Dark Chocolate (Less sweet)

7) Probiotics


Probiotic Food for eczema treatment

Probiotics are nothing but live microbes (usually bacteria) that can improve your health. They are good bacteria usually found in the lining of the digestive tract (gut). The understanding is that when you populate your gut with good bacteria through probiotic supplementation, you may be able to prevent or treat the symptoms of eczema.


  • Fortified yogurt
  • Soft cheeses (e.g. Gouda)
  • Kefir
  • Kombucha
  • Miso soup
  • Naturally fermented pickles
  • Tempeh
  • Unpasteurized sauerkraut
  • Over the Counter Probiotic Supplement (After consulting)

8) Quercetin Rich Food


Quercetin Anti Inflammatory property eczema

Quercetin is a flavonoid that is found in plants. Flavonoids have many health benefits but with regards to eczema, they work by reducing histamine release and boosting the skin’s ability to fight infection. That makes quercetin a powerful antioxidant with antihistamine properties that fight inflammation, helping to prevent eczema flare-ups.

Quercetin is found in onions, kale, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, green tea, and berries.


  • Leafy vegetables
  • Asparagus
  • Tomatoes
  • Red onions
  • Apples
  • Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Black and green tea
  • Berries
  • Nectarines

9) Omega 3 Fatty Acid


Omega 3 fatty acid for eczema treatment and cure

Omega-3 fatty acids are required for skin health. They are known for their roles in reducing inflammation due to their strong anti-inflammatory property. Selected fishes are the number one source for omega-3 fats but if you do not eat fish you can go for distilled fish oil supplements or other plant sources mentioned below.


Non-veg source

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Herring
  • Black cod
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies

Veg source

  • Flaxseed
  • Walnuts
  • Chia seeds
  • Navy beans,
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Avocado
  • Omega-3-fortified foods (including eggs and milk)

10) Healthy fats


Healthy Fats helpful in eczema cure

Extra-virgin coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, walnuts, avocados, hemp seeds, flaxseed, flax oil. Healthy fats are those rich in either monounsaturated or omega-3 fats and thought to have the antioxidant activity absorbing the free radicals resulting in inflammation.


  • Extra-virgin coconut oil
  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • Walnuts
  • Avocados, Avocado oil
  • Hemp seeds
  • Flaxseed, flax oil
  • Hazelnut oils in salads
  • Dark roasted sesame oil as a flavoring for soups and stir-fries

Tips on Following an Anti Inflammatory Diet For Eczema

  1. Eat five to nine servings of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables each day.
  2. Drink lots of water to replenish your body’s moisture.
  3. Identify Allergens from your Diet
  4. Eat Oily fish, nuts seeds 3 times a week.
  5. Limit your intake of foods high in omega-6 fatty acids such as vegetable oil, beef, pork and saturated fats
  6. Try seasoning your herbs and spices that act as an anti-inflammatory agent, instead of salt to add flavor.
  7. Go for the rainbow in fruits and vegetables i.e variety of bright color fruits and vegetables
  8. Take a vitamin D supplement daily, especially in winter months. · Go for healthier protein sources, such as lean poultry, fish, soy, beans, and lentils instead of red meat
  9. Swap out margarine and vegetable oils for the healthier fats found in olive oil, nuts, and seeds.
  10. Opt for fiber-rich whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice, bread, and pasta that list a whole grain as the first ingredient and avoid refined grains or flour.
  11. Maintenance of healthy body weight by routine exercise, if overweight or obese weight reduction will definitely help.
  12. Don’t let stress over tale you manage your stress by meditation techniques like yoga, mindfulness, etc.

Final Thoughts

Each Individual is different, so is the skin of each person, therefore the same food can act differently in two individuals. A food acting as the key anti-inflammatory agent reducing eczema symptoms in one person can be the inflammation striker in another person. It is always best to customize the diet for each person’s unique needs.

Remember any change takes its own time, being patient is the key while looking for impact through any program. It is well said that no battle is ever won or lost on a single meal, so consistency is the key to maintaining your Anti-inflammatory diet. What’s most important is the overall pattern of how you eat. Not only eating what’s right will help but you also pay equal focus on avoiding what’s wrong.

The anti-inflammatory diet is all about filling your meals with foods that have been shown the power to fight inflammation and equally focusing on cutting out foods that have been known to contribute to it.

Choose from a variety of, antioxidant-rich foods. It can help curb inflammation in combination with care routine like moisturizing, exercise, a good night’s sleep. Looking for your best combination of the above two may improve inflammation markers and possibly reduce your risk of developing eczema symptoms.


-Chung, Bo Young et al. “Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis with a Low-histamine Diet.” Annals of dermatology vol. 23 Suppl 1 ,Suppl 1 (2011): S91-5. doi:10.5021/ad.2011.23.S1.S91

-Fabisiak, Adam et al. “Targeting Histamine Receptors in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Critical Appraisal.” Journal of neurogastroenterology and motilityvol. 23,3 (2017): 341-348. doi:10.5056/jnm16203

-Ricker MA, Haas WC. Anti-Inflammatory Diet in Clinical Practice: A Review. Nutr Clin Pract. 2017;32(3):318-325. doi:10.1177/08845336177

Eczema Support Groups and Associations across Globe

Reach the support group in your Location


Atopic Dermatitis also commonly known as Eczema is a skin condition characterized by itchy, red and inflamed skin. Eczema affects babies and kids more than adults. Atopic dermatitis is chronic skin condition and tends to flare periodically due to triggers. There are some common triggers that flare Eczema but it seems that individuals are susceptible to different triggers.  Environmental and weather triggers affect large populations at the same time and that is why Eczema is more prevalent in some parts of the globe than others and flares more during certain seasons.  Parts of the world with a cold climate have a higher incidence of Eczema prevalence.

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Eczema is not fatal but can severely affect the quality of living for sufferers. Also, there is no known complete cure for Eczema. Since Eczema is not considered a fatal disease it receives lesser attention from government-run agencies leaving sufferers to fend from themselves. As a result, there are a number of Eczema support groups and associations. These groups and associations are mostly non-profitable and aim to support Eczema sufferers with information and knowledge about living with Eczema and the various available treatments.

In this article, we have tried to list organizations that are available Globally and those from different countries where one can find support and advice for effectively managing their eczema.

1) Global Parents for Eczema Research

Eczema Parents



Created for and by parents of children with moderate to severe eczema, Global Parents for Eczema Research is an international group of parents and caregivers of children with moderate to severe eczema. It is focused on improving outcomes and quality of life for children with the condition. It is a virtual organization with members representing five different continents and 17 countries. If you are an eczema parent you can join their Facebook group to start a conversation.

2) International Topical Steroid Awareness Network

Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome Group

Founded in 2012 the International Topical Steroid Awareness Network, ITSAN, aims to raise awareness about a condition called Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome (TSW syndrome), also known as Topical Steroid Addiction or Red Skin Syndrome. Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome is a debilitating condition that can arise from the use of topical steroid creams to treat a skin problem. It is a critical condition for the junk of people especially those suffering from a chronic skin condition like Eczema.

The experienced Board members of ITSAN have either suffered from Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome themselves or have known or cared for a loved one who has. Hence they are in a sound position to help and support the sufferers to take any effective action to recover as quickly as possible form TSW syndrome. The group fosters physician and patient education to support affected individuals.

If you or any loved one suffering from Topical withdrawal syndrome you can get in touch with them for support.

3) International Council of Eczema

International Council of Eczema

Headquartered at Chicago, USA International Eczema Council is a Non-Governmental International body that brings together Dermatology Experts on Atopic Dermatitis.  The IEC works towards the goal of promoting good caring practices for Eczema Patients, carry out advanced research, and disseminate evidence-based information on AD to healthcare professionals. 
It also collaborates with physicians, scientists, and stakeholder organizations across the globe to achieve the set goals, its councilors are spread worldwide in order to help patients in their respective regions.


4) National Eczema Association 

Eczema US

Based out of the USA The National Eczema Association (NEA) is a non-profit organization with a stated mission to improve the health and quality of life for individuals with eczema through research, support and education.  NEA claims to provide eczema sufferers the information they need to best manage their condition, while fast-tracking research towards better treatments and a cure. NEA is one of the comprehensive organizations doing an all-round work right from research, providing information, support and helping out eczema sufferers at the grass-root level. NEA claims to be dedicated to improving the lives of people suffering from Eczema 

5) Eczema Outreach Support 
Eczema UK

Eczema Outreach Support exists to help families deal with the practical and emotional aspects of having a child with eczema.  We understand the impact the condition can have on the whole family, and we understand how isolating it can feel. Our vision is to see families with eczema flourish in a society where they can lead healthy and fulfilled lives. We offer a wide range of support, activities, and resources to help parents/carers and the child with eczema feel more able to cope with the ups and downs of the condition. 

6) National Eczema Society 

Eczema UK

Formed in 1975, the National Eczema Society is a charity organization registered in England, Wales and Scotland, dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with eczema and their caregivers. The National Eczema Society aims to provide practical advice for treating eczema and to raise awareness about the condition. The organization works with children and adults who suffer from eczema by providing helpline and information services.  

7) Eczema Association Australasia

Eczema Australia

EAA is a non-profit organization dedicated to eczema sufferers in Australia and was founded in January 1994.  EAA aims to reach every Australian who lives with this disease. The Eczema Association of Australasia Inc supports and educates Eczema sufferers and caregivers, along with the wider community, in all aspects of Eczema and its impact. With a helpline number displayed on their website, they are just a call away for every Australian suffering with eczema. 

8) Eczema Support Australia 
Eczema Australia
Another group in Australia for Eczema Sufferers, Eczema Support Australia Ltd is a new and developing support network established and managed by volunteers.  Originally named Hands to Hold, Eczema Support Australia Ltd is registered as a Public Benevolent Institution and is an Australian registered charity and endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR).  

Hands to Hold was inspired by a family with twin boys who have severe allergies and eczema.  Thanks to the initiative and drive of a friend, this family finally received wonderful community support, which has made all the difference.  All families and individuals dealing with these chronic conditions deserve our community support. 

9) Global Allergy & Asthma Patient Platform

Eczema Austria

The Global Allergy and Asthma Patient Platform, Austria abbreviated as GAAPP is a network linking organization established in 2009 with a common purpose to empower the patient and support the patient voice so that decision-makers in both the public and private sectors, in government and industry will be mindful of patient needs, desires, and their rights.  

The main interest of GAAPP is to support and improvement of the quality of life of people around the globe who have allergies and asthma. With a goal to help patients and their families through their journey with asthma and allergies work in concert with healthcare professionals, researchers and scientists, industry, and governments to further the aspirations of people with asthma and allergies. While based in Vienna, Austria, our Board is representative of all regions of the world with large and small groups.

10) The Eczema Society of Canada 

Eczema Canada

The Eczema Society of Canada is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to improving the lives of Canadians living with eczemaWorking in the field of education, support, awareness, advocacy, and research in Eczema. With the mission of improving the lives of Canadians living with eczema, they offer patient and healthcare provider education, support volunteers across the country, and fund research efforts through a competitive research grant program.

11)  The Association of Psoriatic and Atopic Eczema 

Eczema Czech Republic

The support group in the Czech Republic is common for both Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis called SPAE. The Association of Psoriatic and Atopic Eczema (SPAE) is a voluntary, non-profit civic association. Primarily working with the Czech Academy of Dermatovenerology SPAE with an aim to promote an improved form of treatment for non-infectious skin disease, thereby improving the social-economic condition of the people suffering from this.

SPAE is open to all citizens affected by psoriasis, atopic eczema, and vitiligo. It openly invites professionals who can contribute to this cause. 

12) French Association of Eczema 

  Eczema France

The French Association of Eczema is committed to patients and families suffering from Eczema since 2011. It includes patients with atopic dermatitis, chronic hand eczema, contact dermatitis, and other forms of eczema with an aim to help them improve their daily lives, through psychological support, information, education, or research.

The main goal of the association is to bring information to patients and their families in order to break their isolation. Their website in the local French-language goes a long way toward achieving this goal. 

13) Fondation Eczéma

Eczema France

The Fondation Eczéma is a Corporate Foundation of Pierre Fabre Laboratories. The Foundation works to provide patients, families, and healthcare professionals with information on the different types of eczema, treatments, and ways to reduce the burden of eczema.

The founding members associate a close collaboration with scientists, doctors, patients, and their entourage by placing at their service this corporate foundation, exclusively devoted to atopic dermatitis.

14) German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB)

Eczema Germany

The German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) was founded way back in 1897 as the first patient association in Germany serving the children and adults suffering from allergies, nutritional problems, respiratory or skin diseases for 120 years. 
The Association has a team of consultants from the field of nutrition, biology, chemistry, asthma, eczema and anaphylaxis trainer working for people who have allergies, asthma, atopic dermatitis or intolerance. 
For people suffering from Eczema DAAB provides counseling and shows them ways to get through the difficult phases and to extend the phases with good, calm skin trying to make their everyday life easier 

15) Israeli Association for Atopic Dermatitis 

Eczema Israel

The Israeli Atopic Dermatitis Association serves as a unifying platform for Eczema patients and their families with an aim to provide every patient with the most up-to-date medical knowledge and enabling them to build the most appropriate treatment plan. 

The association works with the health communities in Israel and around the world, to raise awareness about the right treatment of skin disease. Improving the quality of life for Eczema patients so that they lead a normal life is a stated goal of this association.  

16) Eczema Society Kenya (ESK)

Eczema Society Kenya is a Facebook group founded in 2015. The group’s motto is creating awareness on Eczema, its management, and creating a platform for people affected to share ideas thus making lives bearable for the eczema sufferers in Kenya. With a lot of activities and events, the group brings together people to disburse the valuable information related to eczema. People can join their Facebook group and become a member to avail and share valuable information.

17) Malaysia Eczema Support Community 

Malaysia Eczema Support Community MESC is a Facebook-based platform. The members of this group provide evidence-based information and support eczema sufferers by answering their queries. They also do the vital job of raising awareness about the needs of Eczema sufferers.

MESC is backed by dermatologists, immunologist/allergist, and medical and health professionals. The group is open to the public and anyone who is interested in getting Eczema advice can join the group. 

18) Malta Eczema Society 

Eczema Malta

The Malta Eczema Society was set up in 2001 to help those with eczema and their families. The group was established after feeling the need for it in the country like other nations where eczema is prevalent.
The society aims to help by providing support, information and practical advice via public talks and other activities and to increase awareness about eczema and the problems it may cause. 

19) Eczema Association of New Zealand 

Eczema New zealand

Established as an individual body in 2015 The Eczema Association of New Zealand (EANZ) is part of an independent not-for-profit Australasian wide organization.  

The Eczema Association of New Zealand Inc supports and educates Eczema sufferers and caregivers, along with the wider community, in all aspects of Eczema and its impact. It offers a membership where an individual can avail of different facilities. 

20) The Psoriasis and Eczema Association (Norway)

Eczema Norway

Founded in 1962 Psoriasis and Eczema Association is a nationwide interest organization in Norway for people with psoriasis, atopic eczema, other skin diseases, and psoriatic arthritis. The Organisation has approximately 5000 members which are further divided into 19 counties and 45 local teams.

The Organisation works towards its key objective of disbursing knowledge and educating the crowd about the conditions and treatment method for skin diseases especially eczema and psoriasis. This apart their objective drives towards ensuring that every effected individual should avail of proper treatment and also works on new researches in the field.

One can be a part of the team to help the cause of eczema or can become a member of this group to get support related to the mentioned skin diseases.


Eczema Quebec Canada

Eczéma Québec  is a network of doctors, nurses, allied health care professionals, trainees and patients under The McGill University Center for Excellence for Atopic Dermatitis (COE AD) that includes:
• Jewish General Hospital
• St. Mary’s Hospital
• McGill University Health Center

22) Dermatology Society of Singapore

Eczema Singapore

Founded under the umbrella of Singapore Medical Association way back in 1960 The Dermatological Society of Singapore got established as an independent society in 1972.  
The Society conducts various activities to achieve its objectives of advancing the knowledge and practice of dermatology, promoting research in dermatology, promoting regional and international co-operation in dermatologyacquiring and publishing literature and scientific works, it also organizes conferences, seminars, conventions as one of the major role of the society is providing continuous medical education for medical practitioners in the field of dermatology. 

23) Atopika

Atopika is an Institute in the Republic of Slovenia located in central Europe dedicated to Educating, Counselling, and Support for Patients with Atopic Dermatitis. The institute was founded by Tina Butcher to share her knowledge and personal experience with parents of children, adolescents, and adult patients with atopic dermatitis. 

The founder also Counsels (in person and through social networks) and educates people based on the latest scientific knowledge, with the aim of alleviating disease symptoms and improving the quality of life of the patient and her family.

The Institute also works in raising public awareness of the disease and on prevention of discrimination and stigmatization of Eczema sufferer

24) aha! Swiss Allergy Centre
Eczema Switzerland

aha! Swiss Allergy Centre is an ISO-certified non-profit foundation, that is active throughout Switzerland which is recognized by ZEWO. The Centre excels in the field of allergy and focuses on the reactions of the airways, digestive system and skin to environmental irritants.

The Centre offers a range of services right from advising individuals and training courses through to prevention projects and campaigns for the population at large. These offerings are made possible by our widespread network and close cooperation with leading experts and professional bodies in the relevant spheres.

aha! Swiss Allergy Centre supports the people affected by allergy across the country which is more than 3 million people by providing them valuable information. This information is intended to help people get back to their normal and happy life.

25) The European umbrella organization for psoriasis movements

European Psoriasis Association

Founded in November 1988 The European umbrella organization for psoriasis movements (EUROPSO) is a federation of psoriasis patients’ associations based in the geographic region of Europe.  

As an umbrella organization and as a Member of IFPA they work closely with the worldwide psoriasis movements – the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA), the United States-based National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) and to the Nordic Psoriasis alliance (NORDPSO).

They work towards raising awareness of the psycho-social, medical and financial needs of psoriasis patients, and influence political and administrative policy and decision-makers.

So that concludes the list wherein we tried to give maximum information about the different supports groups and associations that help in improving the lives of people with eczema and their caregivers.


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Managing Eczema Flares

Table of Content


Flare is a term commonly associated with Eczema. What is a Flare? A ‘flare’ or ‘flare-up’ is a term used in both medical and non-medical literature to refer to an exacerbation of a disease. Once someone has a flareup they start searching for a remedy to cure the flares. But perhaps it is more important to know what caused the flareup in the first place because as the adage goes “Prevention is better than cure.” Usually, Eczema flares are caused by some triggers.  There is a list of commonly known triggers. Avoiding these common triggers can prevent a flare-up and the associated symptoms.  Once you know what triggers flare your eczema, the best thing to do is to avoid those flares.

What Causes a Flare?

“What caused my Eczema to flare”, this is a question that bothers Eczema sufferers the most. It is very important for each individual to determine what causes their Eczema to flare or in other words what are the triggers that affect them the most. Usually, triggers are something that you encounter such as a certain type of clothing or something in the weather such as pollen or something that you have consumed.  Triggers are not the same for every individual. Different triggers may cause a flare in different people. Some of the most common triggers are intense sweating, scratchy woolen clothes, pet dander, hot or cold weather, harsh soaps, and cleansers.

It’s very hard to say accurately what is the exact cause of eczema for an individual. Probably the genes play a vital role. If your parents are prone to Eczema flares, you may be, too. Another reason could be a weak immune system that fails to defend the body from attacks of external factors ultimately causing a flare. This is common for both Atopic Dermatitis and Contact Dermatitis wherein the former is more thought of chronic condition and the later though not chronic as Atopic Dermatitis but occurs only when your skin touches an irritant. Nevertheless, both types get flares from Eczema triggers.

Eczema Flares are common in babies and kids too. Eczema Flares are more troublesome at younger ages because babies have very sensitive skin and it is hard to prevent children from scratching themselves. Quite often children grow out of Eczema as they grow up. It is very well known that Eczema cannot be cured. However, Eczema can be managed by reducing the number and severity of Eczema flare-ups.

How to effectively manage Eczema Flare-ups?

As mentioned earlier it is very important to try to reduce Eczema flareups by knowing and avoiding your triggers.

Prevention Measures to avoid Eczema Flares

Avoid Irritants: There are certain products that cause Eczema flares when they touch your skin. These could be cleansers, perfumes, laundry detergents, soaps or food items. To know what product actually causes your Eczema to flare, you will have to track the products and do elimination trials which means that eliminate a product from your daily routine or diet for some time and see if that helps your Eczema. It is safer to switch to odorless and colorless soaps, cleansers, or laundry detergent.

Indoor Pollutants: Often tiny particles in the environment can cause your eczema to flare. Some of these are Dust, Cigarette Smoke, Pet Dander, Mould, etc. It is always good to maintain hygiene at home and work. Dust regularly, avoid pets if you are allergic to them, quit smoking or hanging out with those who do.

Clothing: One of the common triggers and perhaps the closest one that irritates your skin are your clothes. Avoid Scratchy woolen clothes, wear breathable fibers avoiding multiple layers or the heavy ones which make you sweat.

If your skin type is dry take extra efforts to keep it moist. Use body lotion soon after the bath, use moisturizer two or three times a day. Maintain a good humidity level in your bedroom while sleeping to keep the air moist. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.

Winter: Dry air combined with indoor heating systems robs the moisture from skin making it dry and more prone to eczema flares. Use a thick moisturizer immediately after a shower to lock moisture in the skin, avoid hot baths and keep it short (use lukewarm water). Avoid rubbing your body with rough towels, pat dry instead. Use a humidifier to maintain the humidity level and curb dry heat pumped by the heating systems.

Treating Eczema Flares

Topical Steroids: Over the counter steroid creams are vital in reducing the red, itchy flares. If they don’t work you may need a stronger dose that can be availed with the help of a physician.

Moisturise: Keep your skin moisturized as much as you can. It softens your skin relieving pain and reducing the eczema flare especially if it is caused by dry skin. Have plenty of water and other liquids to keep your skin hydrated.

Take a Bath: A look warm bath may give you relief during flares. But remember, keep the bath short (not more than 10 mins). Apply moisturizer soon after your bath so as to seal the moisture of the skin and preventing it from drying.

Avoid Scratching: Scratching usually damages the skin, which can itself cause more flares to occur. Try to reduce scratching whenever possible. You could try gently rubbing your skin with your fingers instead. Keep your skin covered with light clothing to reduce damage from habitual scratching.

Wet Wraps:  Designed for Eczema special medicated bandages, clothing or wet wraps can be used to cover the areas of flared skin. These bandages can be used over emollients or with topical corticosteroids to prevent scratching allowing the skin underneath to heal locking the skin moisture.

Antihistamines: If you have severe itching you can have a dose of Antihistamine as recommended by the physician especially during bedtime. Consider the side effects before consuming.

Care Plan: Maintain and follow a care plan created by either you or as recommended by your physician. It is very critical to take necessary action at the recommended time to overcome and manage flares effectively.

For timely recognition of flares and informed treatment decisions during clinic visits, guidelines advocate tracking of the disease by
a) monitoring possible triggers (e.g. allergens),
b) recording disease severity including specific symptoms and signs
c) response to therapy
Atopic dermatitis. The New England journal of medicine 2005; 352: 2314-24.

Manually maintaining detailed records of the triggers that you are being exposed to can be time-consuming. Also, it is important to record the regimen you are following and how well you are adhering to it. Traditionally people have maintained a paper diary to keep these records. Recently Health-Tech Companies have come up with Eczema Managing apps available that allow you to maintain digital records, tracking your regimens and triggers.

Visit a physician:

If your Flares don’t respond to your care plan, do not hesitate to visit your General physician. The Physician may recommend other topical or oral and may also recommend a referral to a dermatologist who can take a few tests and prescribe recommended medications.


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Use our AI tool to check the severity of Eczema and keep track of your Eczema progress.

UV Rays Boon or Bane for Eczema

Sunlight and Eczema

One of the challenges faced by people suffering from Eczema is the uncertainty in the timings of flares. For most people, Eczema flares show up without any prior warnings. While there is no complete cure for Atopic Dermatitis, knowing the triggers that evoke your symptoms may help in reducing the frequency of flares. Most people have their flares in winters and dry climate. Some people find that their eczema improves with exposure to sunlight while others experience a worsening of their condition. When exposed to sunlight, overheating may lead to excess sweating which when dries up leaves behind its salt content giving rise to itch and scratch cycle resulting in eczema flares. The type of Eczema which worsens when exposed to sunlight is called as photosensitive eczema.  

Tips to Tackle sun  

  • Use an Eczema Safe Sunscreen with suitable SPF, when in sun for an extended period. 
  • Leave a gap between applications of emollient and sunscreen to avoid diluting the sunscreen 
  • Don’t be in the sun if it is strong especially between 11:00 am to 3:00 PM  
  • Use Hats, Shades and breathable cloths which can protect you from the sun but not heavy which may cause you to sweat. 
  • UV rays as a treatment for Eczema

In some cases, it is found that sun exposure improves eczema symptoms but the challenge is that you should be careful and do it in control. Studies reveal that exposure to sunlight triggers the release of a compound in the skin that alleviates the inflammation thereby easing the symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis.  

UV radiations from the sun can have damaging side effects too, including burning, aging and raising the risk of skin cancer. The trick here is not to overdo it. Sun exposure leads to increased vitamin D production, which can be great for the health of the skin. 

Due to the benefits of UV on eczema, it is used as a therapy wherein artificial UV waves very similar to the one produced by the sun are used to heal eczema flares. Exposure to UV waves has several benefits to the skin such as alleviating inflammation, inducing vitamin D, reducing itch, increasing the capability of the skin to tolerate foreign particles, etc. This therapy for Eczema using UV waves is called as phototherapy or Ultraviolet therapy for Eczema. 


Generally, dermatologist prescribes you phototherapy and is recommended only when all other treatment like applying emollients, steroids and other medications remain ineffective. The duration of the treatment depends upon the severity of the eczema symptoms. One is advised to apply moisturizer all over the body before exposure to UV lights.  The sessions may be reduced depending upon the response that one shows to UV therapy and can be stopped ultimately with a reduced cycle of once or twice a week. 


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Use our AI tool to check the severity of Eczema and keep track of your Eczema progress.

Managing Eczema in Dry Weather

Dry skin

The skin is the largest organ and the outermost layer of the body. It acts as a barrier to entry for foreign particles and is made up of cells containing water. Depending on our actions and surrounding conditions, pores in our skin allow water to evaporate. Weather conditions affect our skin and are hardest to control. Extreme weather conditions whether extreme heat or extreme cold and extremely dry or extremely humid, have a direct impact on people suffering from Eczema. In this article, we shall discuss the implications of dry weather conditions for Eczema sufferers.  

One of the most visible symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis is dry and scaly skin. It is well known that this condition in eczema worsens when the skin dries up. Dry weather combined with low temperatures especially in winters further worsens this condition causing eczema to flare. In other words, dryness acts as a trigger to cause a flare. Even people without eczema have an urge to scratch on waking up in dry weather 

It is very important for people suffering from eczema to retain skin moisture. When the weather is extremely dry, the air in the environment steals the moisture from the skin, drying it out and triggering an eczema flare-up. Moreover, alternating between cold and dry climate, when outdoors and indoors, can aggravate eczema symptoms. Often people find their dermatitis symptoms on parts of the body that are exposed to the weather elements 

How to manage eczema in dry weather? 

The best course to manage Eczema in extreme weather conditions is to make changes to your lifestyle. The quicker you adapt to the weather, the lesser the effect on Eczema. Custom care regimens given by doctors for individuals should take into account the effect of weather that the individual is exposed to.  

Managing eczema in dry weather

Moisturizing strategy 

One of the most effective, easy and cheap treatments is to use moisturizers abundantly. Moisturize skin at least twice a day. Lock the moisture in the skin to help hydration by applying moisturizer right after a bath on wet skin. This will help repair the skin barrier. Change your moisturizer strategy, especially in dry winter, use thick moisturizer instead of lotions (e.g. Petroleum jelly) soon after the bath and give a good amount of time for absorption. Though it may be tedious and time-consuming it ian effective strategy. Cover your hands and face with moisturizer before dropping out in the cold petroleum jelly and emollient can be used to cover the lips. 


Hot water baths heat up your body resulting in skin moisture being lost due to evaporation. Also, sudden changes in temperature may irritate skin. Use lukewarm water for bathing and keep baths short. Avoid harsh soaps with fragrance dye and alcohol, which can further dry and irritate the skin, rather use moisturizing soap. Moisturize immediately after a shower so that you can retain and lock the moisture. 

Comfortable clothes 

Use natural and fabrics and always try to dress in layers so that you can respond to changes in temperature. Do not dress too warm so as to cause a sweat which worsens Eczema giving rise to scratch and itch cycle. Avoid harsh and scratchy clothes especially woolen clothes which people wear to seek protection from cold 


Generally during dry and cold weather, people use heaters and the heating system pumps in lot of hot air into the room. This hot air irritates eczema affected skin increasing the chance to flare. Use Humidifier to maintain the humidity indoors.  50% relative humidity is considered ideal for keeping eczema affected skin moist. Keep your house environment comfortable maintaining the temperature and humidity level so as to get sound sleep. 

Consume Liquids  

Even though you don’t feel thirst keep drinking water as our body tends to lose water via various processes as it is made up of 70% of water. Consuming liquids not only protect your skin from dry weather but also beautifies, gives a glow and keeps your skin supple and healthy. 


Use our AI tool to check the severity of Eczema and keep track of your Eczema progress.

Use our AI tool to check the severity of Eczema and keep track of your Eczema progress.